
opisz krótko (ok.10zdań) po angielsku swój ulubiony film. napisz jego tytuł , jaki to gatunek filmowy , kto w nim występuje , o czym opowiada i dlaczego jest twoim ulubionym filmem. proszę o szybką odpowiedź bo to na jutro. błagam dam naj

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My favorite movie is "Enola Holmes" with Millie Bobby Brown in the lead role. It is about a girl who lives alone with her mother and they are very close. He also has two brothers one is the famous Sherlock Holmes and Myscroft Holmes. Sherlock did not really worship his sister, when they found out about their mother's departure, they came to Enola so she would not be alone. Sherlock sent her to a special school to learn manners he didn't think she had. However, she escaped and then started looking for her mother, who left her daughter with a few clues as to where to find her. After a long search with the boy you met Lord Tewksbury. The movie is a crime-adventure genre, it is my favorite because it has a very interesting plot.

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