
sprawdzian klasa 6 unit 5
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Breakfast habits
Amanda, 13
The traditional English breakfast, or the 'full English', with fried eggs and sausages, bacon, tomatoes, beans and toast, is
still very popular in England. But in my family we only eat it at weekends because during the week there isn’t enough
time to prepare it. So, during the week we just have toast and jam, or cereal.
Paul, 12
It’s a little strange that here, in France, we like to have lots of different foods for dinner, but our breakfasts are very
simple. My mum and dad usually have toast with jam or butter, or a croissant with espresso coffee, which is a very
typical French breakfast. For me, that’s not enough for my day at school, so I get cheese or ham sandwiches instead.
1 Many people eat the traditional English breakfast in England.
True / False
2 Amanda’s family never have the full breakfast.
True / False
3 Amanda’s family eat different breakfast on weekdays and at weekends.
True / False
4 Paul’s parents don’t eat the typical French breakfast.
True / False
5 Paul eats the same things as his parents at breakfast.
True / False