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A strange, but true story from the Australian newspapers
Before the first humans arrived, Australia was home to many giant animals, for example, three-
-metre tall kangaroos or horse-sized ducks. It is also the site of the oldest fossilized remains. 1.2.
And the animals which still live there don't stop surprising scientists either! Last year one of the most well-
-known internet companies in Australia revealed the fact that it has spent thousands of dollars repairing
internet cables damaged by cockatoos - a common species of parrot living in the country. 1.3. Animal
behaviourists say that it may be the taste of the cables, but engineers believe it is the colour of the cables
which is attracting the birds' attention. Another possible reason is connected with the parrots habits. They
are constantly sharpening their beaks by attacking' everything they come across. Whatever the reason, the
most important thing is how to protect the cables from the birds. 14. It is estimated that, as a result
the internet company will save billions of dollars.
A. According to the latest research they are about 3.4 billion years old!
B. That is why the company is installing special protective covers.
C. Let's take for example some unusual fun facts
D. We need to create shelters for these birds.
E. Nobody knows why these unusual creatures try to eat the cables because their everyday mesa.com
sists of fruit, nuts, wood and bark.
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