Zdania do napisania:
If you are fond of sport, Great place to visit is definetaly the skijumping hill. It is visited by milions tourists every year. In addicion you can go hiking across a marvelous forest next to the Krupówki street, which is the most famous street in whole town.
Zdanie na koniec
As you can see in Zakopane is great for all tourist. You can relax and visit a lot of awesome places
Zdania do poprawki.
Być może pisze się ,,this is Bartek'' ale na twoim miejscu napisałabym po prostu my name's Bartek and...
To zdanie 2 jest poprawne ale myślę, że nauczyciel ucieszy się gdy wprowadzisz różnorodność i znajomość czasów pisząc.
,,Today I want to tell you about the most beautiful place I have ever visited. This place name's Zakopane and this is a small town located in Polish mountains name's Tatra mountains.
Zdanie z high mountains zalecam zamienić w pełni na:
You can admire huge and high mouintains and amazing views during your trip.
Zdanie ze stadionem bardzo fajne ale
Przed zdaniem należy wstawić however
However, there isn't......... I was really dissapointed because I often....
Zdanie z ,,in Zakopane I don't like'' zmień na:
Unfortunately, there are a lot of traffic jams in here, so I usually have to catch a bus.
Zdanie z ,,information centre'' jest okej tylko trochę nie na temat więc rozdzielmy je na dwa.
... information centre available for tourist.
If you prefer relaxing to sightseeing, Zakopane is great for you, because of i beautiful countryside views and climate.
I ostatnie zdanie
... a lot of modern hotel, where you can relax after a long day.
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