
Pomocy! Proszę
Napisz o dwóch polskich daniach, muszą mieć krótki opis (skąd są, krótki opis o och wyglądzie) później napisać krótki przepis (NA PRZYKŁAD - add six eggs Then mix it finally bake it) używając słów, add, then, finally

Pierwsze danie ma być o pierogach a drugie trzeba wy myśleć (MUSI BYĆ POLSKIE) i napisać po angielsku


Odpowiedź :


This dish originated in China, and on Polish soil dumplings appeared around the 13th century. Legend has it that they reached Poland thanks to Bishop Jacek Odrowąż, who was so impressed with them in Kiev that he decided to bring the idea to Poland.

They are pieces of thinly rolled pasta dough with salty or sweet stuffing, shaped into a triangle or semicircle, and cooked in water (boiled dumplings) or, less frequently, baked (roasted dumplings) or fried. ... What they have in common is a stuffing enclosed in a sheet of dough.


for the dough:

3 cups of flour


1 teaspoon of salt

hot water, as much as the flour will take

1 spoon of oil


70 dkg potatoes

1 cube of white cheese (20-25 dkg)

2 large onions

salt, pepper

Knead the elastic dough from the given ingredients. Roll it out very thinly and cut out circles with a glass.

Boil the potatoes and grind in a mincer together with the cheese. Finely chop the onion and fry it. Add to the stuffing, season with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. Spoon the stuffing onto the pastry discs, seal and place on a floured board. Drop into salted boiling water and cook for 1-2 minutes after rising to the surface. 


It has been used for centuries as one of the basic culinary ingredients in the world. From the end of the 16th century groats were considered a primitive food in Polish cuisine, which was eaten mainly by poor and sick people.

According to the current quality standards, barley groats should be light grey with a greenish to yellowish tint, have a specific smell and taste - a maximum of 10% of grains with a brown tint are permitted.

Put the groats into boiling salted water. It will be ready 15-20 minutes after the water has boiled again. During this time stir the mixture a few times so that the groats do not stick to the bottom of the pot. The grains should absorb all the water.

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