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Hi Peter!

You want believe what a terrible day I had. I lost my mobile. It was confiscated

Odpowiedź :

Hi Peter
You won’t believe what a terrible day I had. Someone stole my mobile phone! While I was eating lunch, someone walked near me and took my phone from my pocket. I tried to catch this person, but I couldn’t find him in the hallway. My parents were really angry. They told me that I have to buy a new one on my own. That’s why I want to ask you a favor. Would you lend me your old mobile? I don’t have enough money to buy a new one yet. If you agree, I will take you to the cinema this weekend.
Let me know



Hi Peter!

You won't believe what a terrible day I had. I lost my mobile. It was confiscated. I was calling my friend at school when my teacher came over. My parents were fuming but they calmed down a little when I explained the situation. Can you borrow me your old phone for a while? I will requite, I promise.

Write back soon,



Liczba słów: 65

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