
PROJEKT: The dialogues with ever (w co najmniej 3 pytaniach w każdym

dialog uużyjcie słowo ever).

Napisz 4 dialogi – w każdym z nich minimum 5 pytań i odpowiedzi (przykładem

jest ćwiczenie 5/83). Tematy dialogów powinny być następujące:

1) Przygotowywanie jedzenia (czasowniki takie, jak: wash, slice, chop, beat, boil …)

2) Jedzenie i picie ( pour, add, mix, eat, drink, use …)

3) Podróże (be – np. Have you ever been to Great Britain? - Czy kiedokolwiek byłeś/łas w Wielkiej Brytanii. Zwroćcie uwagę, że w takim zdaniu używamy słowo – to…; inne pasujące czasowniki: travel, go, see, meet, stay…)

4) Uprawianie i oglądanie sportu (be, play, run, jump, use, see…)

Odpowiedź :



Dialogue 1: Preparing food

A - Matka

B - Córka


  • B: Hey mom, can we cook something? I'm very hungry.
  • A: Sure, what would you like to cook?
  • B: I'd like to make something really easy, for example sandwiches with ham and cucumber. Are you down?
  • A: Yeah, I'd love to it something like that. Let's start. First wash and chop the cucumber with a sharp knife, then slice the ham on a chopping board lastly cut the bread and take the butter out of the fridge.

5 minutes later:

  • B: I got it all done. I also put slices of ham, cucumber and some butter on bread.
  • A: That's great! The sandwiches taste great!
  • B: Yes, they are amazing.

Dialogue 2: Food and drinks

A - Jarek kolega Antka

B - Antek


  • A: Hey, what's up?
  • B: I'm very hungry, how about you?
  • A: Yeah, me too. Let's go eat something. There is nothing in the fridge.
  • B: Oh, that sucks!
  • A: Yep, I think we need to go and eat something in a fast-food bar.
  • B: Yes, definitely. I'm starving!

10 minutes later:

The boys ordered food and now they are eating.

  • B:This burger tastes great! It's delicious.
  • A: Yeah, I totally agree. But I'd like something to drink. Let's order soda.
  • B: That's an amazing idea!
  • A: It tastes way better after you take a moment to drink something...
  • B: I couldn't agree more.

Dialogue 3: Travels

A: - Kolega z klasy 1

B: Kolega z klasy 2


  • A: Have you ever been to GB?
  • B: Yeah, I've been there twice.
  • A: What did you like the most?
  • B: I loved the architecture and the food. Most people say that the british food is terrible but I totally disagree.
  • A: I don't really like it, I think it's really heavy... But I love british humour and the weather.
  • B: No way! How can someone love when it's raining? I also like british humour, it's very dark and it makes most jokes even funnier.
  • A: Alright! Have a great day.
  • B: You too

Dialogue 4: Doing and watching sports

A: - A football fan

B: - A football player


  • A: Hey, I'd like to ask you some questions about football as a sport.
  • B: Sure!
  • A: So, why do you like playing it so much?
  • B: I don't know. I just kinda loved since the first day I saw it. It's always making me so excited.
  • A: I couldn't agree more. And why did you decide to go pro in it?
  • B: Hm, It just kind of stuck to me when I saw I was better than most kids at my school. I was always chosen first to a team when we played football on our PE lessons.
  • A: That must have been great! Last question: When do you want to end your career?
  • B: Probably when I make enough money to live a good life. But because I love this sport I'll probably play it on a pro level until I'll be too old for it.
  • A: Alright. That's all from me. Have a nice one!
  • B: You too!


Pisz jakbyś chciał wytłumaczenia czegoś lub innego rodzaju pomocy z tym zadaniem.

Liczba słów:

Dialog 1 - 115

Dialog 2 - 115

Dialog 3 - 100

Dialog 4 - 168

Trochę się napracowałem więc może zamiast klasycznej dziękujki możesz napisać np. jakiś miły komentarz.

Wesołych świąt <3.

Pozdrawiam - Antek :)

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