
Za rozwiązanie daje naj

Task 1
The letters of the words in bold are mixed up. Write them correctly.

26 Kangaroos can kick hard because they have (rewulpof) legs.
27 The water here is so (ecral) that I can see the sand and some small fish at the bottom.
28 Our cat is (dibln), but she knows every part of the garden and she always finds her favourite places.

29 In winter, these beaches are (pymet) because it’s too cold to swim, but in summer they’re full of tourists.

30 My per parrot is very (eclrev) – he can talk and he repeats everything I say to him.
31 In spring, the red, pink and yellow roses make the garden very (llucuorfo.)
32 It was late and I was asleep when a loud noise woke me up.
33 Be careful with that (rasph) knife while you’re cutting the vegetables.