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Witaj :)
Zadanie 1
- Połącz zdania tak, aby uzyskać poprawne minidialogi. Wpisz litery A-F w odpowiednie miejsce przy zdaniach 1-6.
1. Whose turn is it to wash up? - It isn't mine. I did it yesterday. (1D)
2. Who's going to clean the kitchen? - John. It's his turn to clean it. (2B)
3. Are these your shoes? - No, they're Dad's. (3F)
4. This is my computer. - No, it's not yours; it's ours. (4A)
5. It's the children's job to feed the dog. - Its dinner's in the fridge. (5E)
6. Where are their drinks? - They're there, on the table. (6C)
Zadanie 2
- Wysłuchaj sześciu dialogów i wybierz poprawną opcję.
1. It's Mary’s pen.
2. The father does the washing-up.
3. The shoes are Mike's.
4. Tim has to take the rubbish out.
5. It's the dog's food.
6. It's Mrs Green's car.
Zadanie 3
- Uzupełnij zdania formami dopełniacza saksońskiego wyrazów w nawiasie.
1. Someone has just arrived at my neighbour's house.
2. James' dog has been in many fights.
3. These are the children's toys. They need to put them away!
4. Can you tell me where the lady's toilet is, please?
5. I really need to clean the bird's cage!
6. That's not my book. That's Linda's.
Zadanie 4
- Uzupełnij dialogi poprawnymi przymiotnikami lub zaimkami dzierżawczymi.
1. A: Which car belongs to Glen and Becky?
B: Their car is the red one that's parked over there.
2. A: Is this your bag?
B: No. Mine is the one that's on the shelf.
3. A: I can't find the room we're staying in.
B: That's because our is on another floor.
4. A: I took the wrong coat by mistake.
B: Yes, that is Rachel's coat. It belongs to her.
Zadanie 5
- Skills Booster: Przeczytaj tekst. Zakreśl poprawne uzupełnienie luk 1-8: A, B lub C.
A home that moves with you
In northern Scandinavia, there is a group of people called the Sami. Their homes, which look like tents, are known as lavvus. The difference is that theirs are much stronger than an average tent, and they look much cooler, too! The Sami have lived in these homes for hundreds of years. The lavvu works well for their lifestyle. Traditionally, it is the Sami's job to follow the deer that live in the area. Therefore, the Sami need a home that they can take with them.
The lavvu gives protection from strong winds. In the past, its walls were made from deer skins. Nowadays, the Sami use different fabrics for the walls, which are similar to those we use for our tents. Of course, the Sami have to build fires inside the lavvu. That's not a problem, however, because it's got a hole at the top.
1C, 2C, 3A, 4C, 5B, 6C, 7B, 8A