
Opisz swój typowy weekend (sobota, niedziela). Zastosuj znane ci wyrażenia czasowe np. always, sometimes, on Saturday mornings, at the weekend, after breakfast, in the afternoon i inne. Pracę zilustruj przynajmniej dwiema formami graficznymi (rysunek, wycinanka z gazet, fotografia, grafika komputerowa), przedstawiającymi opisane prze ciebie czynności.

Do czwartku
Dam Naj ( serduszko i głosy do 5 )

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: In the Friday's evening, when I come from school first I just lie down and rest. Then I turn on the computer and talk with friends or play games. In Friday evening I usually watch an interesting film or listen to the music.

In Saturday I get up about 10 o'clock. Then I take a bath and I get dressed and eat breakfast. After that I clean my room and I help my mum make the dinner. Later I do my homework and when I'm done I go on a bike or visit my friends.

On Sunday I get up earlier, about 9 o'clock. Then I go to church. After that I go with my parents for a walk or go to my grandparents. We eat cakes, drink tea and discuss. When we come home I learn for the Monday's lessons and go sleep.
