potrzebne na JUTRO proszeeee, najbardziej zależy mi na 3 pytaniu

1. Powiedzmy, że chciałabym być lekarzem.
In the future, I would like to be a doctor. Why? Because I like biology. I have always wanted to ''connect'' my passion with my future.
Moreover, I would like to help others. When I see the smile on people faces, it makes me do more and more. Helping people and seeing their reactions to good news - it's fascinating. The fact, that you rescued someone's life is powerful too. The fact, that thanks to your studying, your bad and good days, your stubbornness and your looking for the power, when you hadn't got it - you rescued someone and you are the authority for him and his family. Brilliant feeling.
2. Powiedzmy, że mówimy o nauczycielach.
Educating mankind is very important. Increasingly, the requirements for a profession are prohibitive and you have to adapt. You have no choice - If you want to live at a high level - you have to try very hard. Obviously it depends on your choice, who do you want to be, how much studying you have to put into it, but at last - you will realize, that living at a high level with good earnings - it takes a lot.
3. Powiedzmy, że mówimy o lekarzach (v2)
Let's face it, this profession is one of the most important in the world. Diseases will never end and the world will always need a person to cure us - this is how society works. Unfortunately, many people decide not to go to medicine universities, it's too difficult. It needs so much learning, hard working, practising, so many years to learn. Good doctors never forgotten. Although to become such, you need many years of study, universities, school, credits, and apprenticeships. Society needs the ambition that the younger generation can provide.
Zrobione. Zajęło to troszkę dużo czasu, ale zależy mi na tym, aby każdy sobie pozaliczał. Naj pewnie nie dostanę, ale nieistotne. Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :)