
1. (Czy byłeś) ……. To the shop yet?

2. (Gdybym był)….. rich, I would buy a bigger house.

3. I haven’t got (dużo czasu)…………………… .

4. She always (pisze)…… pen.

5. While ( zjeżdżał na nartach) …… he fell over and broke his leg.

6. You (musisz zjeść obiad) …. with us.

7. They (nie są wystarczająco bogaci)…. To buy the most expensive car n the world.

8. They are (zamierzają się dobrze bawić) ……… fun tonight.

9. I don’t like the colour (ich nowego)…. house.

10. He didn’t know how to do the activity (więc zapytał)…. his teacher.

11. Listen! (Ktoś puka) …………at the door.

12. She (nie musi)….. wear a uniform at school.

13. He (nudzi się) … during English lessons.

14. This pencil is yours, but that (tamten jest mój)……… .

15. They have come (żeby dać nam)…a present.

16. Good morning. Tom speaking. ( Czy mogę rozmawiać )….to Mary?

17.I’ve got flu so tomorrow I (idę do)… the doctor.

18. They (chcieliby).. meet us in two days.

19. It’s (najgorsza ocena) … I have ever got.

20. Yesterday my (samochód zepsuł się)…. And I had to go to work by bus.

proszę daje naj naj i 30 pt. ​

Odpowiedź :


1. Have you been

2. If I will

3. Much time

4. Writes, i tu nie wiem czy 'by'?

5. He was skiing

6. Have to eat lunch

7. Nie wiem tutaj

8. Going to have

9. Their new

10. So he asked

11. Someone is knocking

12. Doesn't have to

13. Is bored

14. Is mine

15. For give us

16. Can i talk

17. Am going

18. Would like to

19. The worst mark

20. Car break down

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