Na teraz daje naj za ćwiczenie 3 i 4

1. You were 14 last birthday. Now you are acting like you are 10 years old. | immature (niedojrzały).
2. I hate doing this boring homework. | fed up (mieć dość).
3. I don't care about rules, I wear what I want, go out when I like and do what I want. | rebellious (buntowniczy).
4. I don't agree with any of your ideas or opinions, they make me angry. | intolerant (nietolerancyjny).
5. My mum tells me what to wear, where to go, when to do my chores and has so many house rules. | strict (surowy).
Hi Patryk
Are you enjoying the school holiday so far? I'm not! My parents are working and I'm not allowed to stay at home alone. I can't hang out with my friends because my mum wants me to go to my grandma's every day. I mustn't lie in because we leave early in the morning.
Next week, my parents aren't working so they will look after my grandma, and I can go to a festival with my brother. Do you think you'll be allowed to come with us? It'll be fun. Let me know.
Write soon!