
prosze o pomoc daje naj zad w załączniku​

Prosze O Pomoc Daje Naj Zad W Załączniku class=

Odpowiedź :


Zadanie 1

2. doctor

3. farmer

4. chef

5. a shop assistant

6. a bus driver

Zadanie 2

2. take out the garbage

3. walk the dog

4. clean the car

5. play with

6. do the shopping

Zadanie 3

2. studied

3. cycled

4. stopped

5. played

6. cleaned

Zadanie 4

2. met

3. drank

4. bought

5. tooke

6. gave

Zadanie 5

2. Pam

3. can

4. my notes

5. please

6. okay, you can albo okay, here albo okay, take it....różnie można odpowiedzieć



2. Fred went to the hospital to see a doctor

3. The farmer gives food to the animals every morning.

4. The chef at this restaurant cooks delicious meals.

5. Tina is a shop assistant and she sells shoes.

6. Craig is a bus driver so he knows alle the plces in town.


2. I take the rubbish every night.

3. They walk the dog three times a day.

4. nie widać za bardzo

5. I often look after my younger sister.

6. We do the shopping at supermarket.


2. We studied all evening yesterday for the test.

3. He cycled to work last Monday on his bike.

4. I stoped the car at the red light one minute ago.

5. The friends played the basketball at the sports centre yesterday.

6. They cleaned the house after the party, so today it looks great.


2. I met Ted at the cinema an hour ago.

3. Yestearday Mum drank tea after dinner.

4. We bought some cakes at the supermarket.

5. Jim took lots of photos on holiday.

6. Dad gave me a watch for my last birthday.


2. Pam

3. if

4. ok

5. now

6. you can

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