
Hej proszę o pomoc treść zadania: proszę się przygotować się do odpowiedzi ustnej o wybranym przez siebie pisarzu i opowiedzieć o nim proszę nie ważne kto to będzie tylko żeby był pisarz i dużo różnych dat np. 1627 i proszę was bardzo o napisanie to po angielsku i jak to się czyta proszę pomocy :(​

Odpowiedź :


One day in March 1891, twenty-one-year-old Mabel Suffield, a young Englishwoman from an old and respected family in Birmingham, found herself aboard the Roslin Castle from England to Africa. She traveled to South Africa to marry Arthur Reuel Tolkien, a 34-year-old banker who had just received a job with the Bank of Africa and was now able to support his family as head of the Bloemfontein branch. The wedding took place on April 16, 1891 in Cape Town. The young couple then moved to Bloemfontein, the capital of the Free State of Orange. There, on January 3, 1892, their first son was born, named John Ronald Reuel, which was to become widely known among the twentieth-century fantasy fans. On February 17, 1894, Ronald's brother Hilary Arthur Reuel was born. The hot climate of Africa did not serve little Ronald, so his mother Mabel Tolkien decided to take him and his brother to England in early 1895. Arthur Tolkien was not allowed to leave Africa because of business.

In England, Mabel Tolkien went to live with relatives in Birmingham, and there for a year, longing, but unsuccessfully waiting with the boys for Arthur's arrival. On February 15, 1896, Mrs. Tolkien's husband died after suffering a very serious illness and stroke. In 1900, Mabel joined the Catholic Church. Due to the difficult financial situation, the Tolkien family had to move several times.


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