

Napisz w języku angielskim recenzję dowolnego filmu, w której:
 Podasz informacje o filmie, który chcesz polecić
 Opowiesz, o czym jest ten film
 Wyjaśnisz, dlaczego warto go obejrzeć
Długość wypowiedzi: 50- 120 wyrazów.

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Odpowiedź :


I'd like to recommend you a beautifully animated movie called "Lilo & Stitch".

• it's one of the most charming and cute stories i have seen. The movie is about a far-away planet with all kinds of different looking creatures. One of them, a scientist, created an indestructible destruction machine called 626 in the form of a silly - looking blue guy. The scientist is thrown in prison, but the experiment escapes to a planet they call "E-arth" The scientist and an expert on earth are sent to capture him. 626 lands in hawaii and disguises himself as a dog in a dog shelter. He is adopted by a little Hawaiian girl named Lilo who is sad about the loss of her parents. She names him "Stitch" and teaches him that even a creature designed to destroy can learn to create and love others.

• It's definitely worth watching because of it's adorable story, characters and beautifully animated Hawaiian scenes. The main message of the movie is "ohana meanes family... and family means no one gets left behind". - a heartwarming family movie for everyone.
