
W zdaniach 1-5 spośród podanych odpowiedzi wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje sens wyróżniającego zdania lub jego fragmentu.
1 I'm sorry, I >didn't get that<. Can you say it again?
a) didn't listen to you
b) missed what you said
c) misunderstood you
2 Please, >keep working on< this exercise.
a) continue doing
b) start to work on
c) help me do
3 Teachers >need to do< more experiments in class.
a) are supposed to do
b) don't mind doing
c) ought to do
4 I >would go running< every other day when I was younger.
a) was able to run
b) liked to run
c) used to run
5 >I don't remember turning off the oven.<
a) I often forget to turn off the oven.
b) I don't know who has turned off the oven.
c) I am not sure if I turned off the oven.

Odpowiedź :

Witaj :)

1. I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Can you say it again? (1b)

2. Please, continue doing this exercise. (2a)

3. Teachers ought to do more experiments in class. (3c)

4. I used to run every other day when I was younger. (4c)

5. I am not sure if I turned off the oven. (5c)