
NA TERAZ PLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Add the prefixes un-, in-, il-, ir- and im- to these
words to make negative adjectives. Complete
the sentences with the adjectives. There are two
extra words.
correct • formal • happy • legal • possible

regular • visible

1 Designers have invented clothes that can make you
……………………….. . If you wear them, no one can see you!
2 I must memorise my list of ……………………….. verbs for
tomorrow’s test.
3 Lots of people download films but they forget that it’s
……………………….. . You can get into trouble with the police.
4 He says he can speak 25 languages but I don’t believe
him. That’s ……………………….. !
5 I was a little ……………………….. with my marks in the exam
because I know I can do better.

8 Read the texts about when people started learning English. Match the comments
with the people (A–D). You can choose the people more than once.
1 I think it’s important to have fun when you’re learning a
new language. …………
2 I’m not the only one in my family who can speak two
languages. …………
3 I didn’t speak any English in my first English lessons at
school. …………
4 My parents are different nationalities. …………
5 It’s important to have a real reason to learn a language.
6 It didn’t take me long to learn English. …………

Odpowiedź :



1. invisible

2. irregular

3. illegal

4. impossible

5. unhappy

Do zadania 8 nie dodałeś/aś (A-D) więc nie wiem co wpisać :)