Angielski kl 4
Pomóżcie rozwiązać

Zad. 1
play the piano
do skateboard tricks
ride a bicycle
speak English
drive a car
read music
Zad. 2 (nie wiem)
Zad. 3
A: Excuse me. Mr Davies.
B: Yes, (tego akurat nie wiem)
A: Can we go and climb some trees, please?
B: No, I'm afraid you can't.
A: Oh, that's pity.
Zad. 4
1. Ginny can rollerblade but she can't sing.
2. Lee can speak Chinese but he can't snowboard.
3. Lucy and Pat can ski but they can't whistle.
Zad. 5
1. Can Ben play well chess?
2. Can you sing loudly?
3. Can they fast swim?
4. What can he paint?
Zad. 6 (nie jest kompletne na obrazku)
Zad. 7
1. He can sing loudly.
2. What mess!
3. Can you swim well?
4. (niekompletne)