
Opisz obrazek. Bardzo proszę na szybko​

Opisz Obrazek Bardzo Proszę Na Szybko class=

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obrazek pokazuje dwie dziewczyny w jakiejś  kafejce jedna wygląda na zestresowaną a druga jest wesoła dziewczyny prawdopodobnie przyszłym tam po szkole ponieważ są tam plecaki i zapewne robią zadanie domowe ponieważ mają jaieś kartki


In this picture I can see two teenage girls. They are at school, because I can see their backpacks. They are sitting on the chair. I think one of the girls is recording a girl who's wearing a denin jacket, and she's got dark hair. Probably there's a class drama and the girl is blamed for something, and the girl who is wearing a dark blouse is recording her, so she dosen't know that she is recorded by her classmate. The girl in denin jacket tries to say that she did nothing, so she look like she want to tell only the truth. Probably she's talking to the another classmate, or a teacher. Personally, I think the picture is OK for me because it shows two young teenage girls in their teens, and the picture also shows that bullying isn't good like the girl in black blouse tries to record the girl.