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CO MOZNA WYBRAC: How Can we cure our addicition? , Am I a chocoholic? , Why is it addictive , how can scientists help us? , what are other similar words?

Millions of people eat chocolate, some of them every day, but they wouldn't describe themselves as addicted. How much do you have to eat to officially be called an addict? Scientists say that a total of eight bars a week, so more than one a day, is a danger point.

Scientists have found that chocolate contains certain ingredients that make us feel good. They can also reduce stress. When people stop eating it, they feel nervous or sad and so eat more to try to get the nice feeling back.

The good thing is that it isn't a physical addiction but a mental one. If we stopped eating chocolate tomorrow nothing terrible would happen to us. The easiest way is to keep it out of the house so that you can't eat it when you're bored.

The term workaholic is used to describe someone who is addicted to work. Shopaholic is a person addicted to shopping. So someone, somewhere decided to make a similar word for chocolate addiction. However, when you think about it, workaholic is made up of work+aholic and shopaholic – shop+aholic. So, shouldn't we say chocolateaholic, instead?