

1.Ja mam straszny ból głowy.
2.On zjadł za dużo cukierków i boli go brzuch.
3.Czuję się okropnie. Mam temperaturę i kaszel.
4.Moja siostra ma grypę.
5.Moja siostra kaszle i ma katar.
6.Mój brat ma ból gardła i ból ucha.
7.Monika często myje ręce.
8.My czasami ćwiczymy.
9.Ja nigdy nie chodzę spać wcześnie.
10.Myj żeby po posiłku!
11.Moja mama je owoce i warzywa.
12.Babcia ma grypę, ona musi pójść do lekarza.
13.Ona nie musi leżeć w łóżku.
14.My musimy uczyć się do testu z angielskiego.
15.Ich mama jest chora. Oni muszą być cicho.
16.Ja muszę wstawać wcześnie w poniedziałki.
17.My nie musimy robić zadania domowego.
18.Czy ty musisz pomagać mamie?
19.Oni muszą nosić mundurki szkolne.
20.Piotr nie musi sprzątać pokoju.
Zdania trzeba przetłumaczyć na język angielski z have/has to/got i słówkami typu a blocked nose , a earache itp
Proszę o pomoc mam to zrobić do 12:30

Odpowiedź :


I have a terrible headache.

2.Na has eaten too much candy and has a stomach ache.

3. I feel terrible. I have a temperature and a cough.

4. my sister has the flu.

5. My sister is coughing and has a runny nose.

6. My brother has a sore throat and earache.

7.Monika washes her hands often.

8. We do exercise sometimes.

9. I never go to bed early.

10.Wash it after a meal!

11.My mother eats fruit and vegetables.

12. Grandma has the flu, she needs to see a doctor.

13. She doesn't have to be in bed.

14. We know learn for the English test.

15. Their mom is sick. They must be quiet.

16. I have to get up early on Mondays.

17. We don't know each other at home classes.

18. Do you have to help mom?

19. They need school uniforms.

20. Peter doesn't have to clean the room.



I have a terrible headache.

He ate too much candy and his stomach hurts.

3. I feel terrible. I have a temperature and a cough.

4. my sister has the flu.

5. My sister is coughing and has a runny nose.

6. My brother has a sore throat and earache.

7.Monika washes her hands often.

8. We do exercise sometimes.

9. I never go to bed early.

10.Wash it after a meal!

11.My mother eats fruit and vegetables.

12. Grandma has the flu, she needs to see a doctor.

13. She doesn't have to be in bed.

14. We have to study for the English test.

15. Their mom is sick. They must be quiet.

16. I have to get up early on Mondays.

17. We don't have to do homework.

18. Do you have to help mom?

19. They must wear school uniforms.

20. Peter doesn't have to clean the room.

Sentences need to be translated into English with have / has to / got and words like a blocked nose, a earache etc.

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