Uzupełnij dialogi. Wpisz w każdą lukę brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Wykorzystaj wyrazy podane w nawiasie, ale nie zmieniaj ich formy. DIALOGUE 1 X: Hi Becky, 1___________________ (fancy) to an exhibition of doll houses with me and Mary this weekend? It’s her birthday, we could surprise her! Y: Doll houses? Sounds interesting! But I think that Mary 2___________________ (rather) to the cinema to see the latest horror movie. I don’t think she’s into such girly things like doll houses. X: You think so? So what should I do? I’ve already bought the tickets to the exhibition. Y: Well, 3___________________ (were), I’d give the tickets back. We could take her to a café and the cinema instead. I think she’ll love it.
DIALOGUE 2 X: Hello Mark. What brings you here? Y: Well, I have a horrible stomach ache and I feel sick all the time. X: When 1___________________ (pain)? Y: It began three days ago, but I don’t think it’s indigestion. I try to eat healthily, no fizzy drinks, no junk food. X: Let’s see. Take off your shirt and lie down, please. I 2___________________ (examine). Have you had a lot of stress recently? Y: Well, I’m having my final exams now, so yes, quite a lot of stress. X: I see. 3___________________ (hurt) when I press here? Y: No, nothing. X: Well Mark, I think it’s stress but we’ll do some more tests to be sure.