Proszę o pomoc!!!!!!

1. loaf - e
2. carton - h
3. packet - b
4. trolley - g
5. bottle - c
6. a jar of olives - a
7. tin of tomatoes - i
8. receipt - d
9. can - j
10. bar of chocolate - f
1. loaf - bochenek
2. carton - karton
3. packet - paczka
4. trolley - wózek (na zakupy)
5. bottle - butelka
6. jar - słoik
7. tin - puszka (konserwowa)
8. receipt - paragon
9. can - puszka (np. na colę)
10. bar - tabliczka (czekolady)
Na pewno jest dobrze :))
1. This is a loaf of bread.
2. This is a carton of drink.
3. This is a packet of biscuits.
4. This is a trolley.
5. This is a bottle of water.
6. This is a jar of olives.
7. This is a tin of tomatoes.
8. This is a receipt.
9. This is a can of cola.
10. This is a bar of chocolatte.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam.