
Masz problemy z dogadaniem się z rodzicami. Uważasz ,że masz zbyt wiele obowiązków a zbyt mało praw. Chcesz podzielić się tym z kolegą/ koleżanką i poprosić o radę Napisz e-mail ( 100- 150 słów) w którym:
• Napisz jakie obowiązki domowe musisz wykonywać
• Określ jakie masz prawa ( na co pozwalają Ci rodzice)
• Napisz jakie zakazy obowiązują w twoim domu( czego ci nie wolno)

Odpowiedź :


Hi Lea

I want to share my responsibilities at home today. I think there are too many of them. They tire me a lot. I have to clean my room, kitchen, unfold the dishwasher, wash the bathrooms. It's already a bit beyond me. They allow me to meet my friends, stay with them and buy things for my money, but there are also prohibitions.The ban on using the phone after 9 p.m., bringing friends without their knowledge, ban on the dog at home, and I would very much like him. I am concerned about these obligations and prohibitions. What do you think about it?

I am waiting for a response from you.




Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam:)

hey Sara

She has been getting along poorly with her parents lately. I have a lot of responsibilities and can hardly anything. during the day I have to vacuum, do the laundry, clean the room and cook dinner. It takes an awful lot of time. For this, I have very few rights. I can only use electronic devices for 1 hour a day, and I can meet my friends only once a week. On top of that, I can't do many things, go out with my friends for the night, eat sweets more than once a week and watch TV after 7 p.m.

are you having trouble getting along with your parents? please answer by


mam nadzieje że pomogłam