
Talk to a partner odpowiedz na pytania od 1 do 4 daje najlepsza odpowiedź!

Talk To A Partner Odpowiedz Na Pytania Od 1 Do 4 Daje Najlepsza Odpowiedź class=

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1 I think that People under 30 live with they parents but over 30 live in them own houses

2 I think that this is more pro/cons in my country. wybierz sobie jak uważasz czy jest więcej zalet czy wad w twoim kraj pro to zalety cons to wady

3 I think that the biggest advantage is a lot of monuments and attractions and access to mosaics

and the biggest disadvantage is the high pollution in Polish cities

4 I think that they od course are kinda sad but they also kinda happy cuz they can do they own party and they don't have to take care of somebody all time



I think the percentage of young people we are talking about is big, because of most of these people don't have enough money to rent a flat. I have many friends who still live with parents.

i thing that the pros and cons are similar in my country would like to have quiet and some private life

Two important disadvantages living with parents are: not enough ocassions to invite friends to yourself if somebody if somebody live in small house and little private life

I think most of parents wonna they adults children live without their because they