
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania.uzupełnij każdą lukę (1-4) literą, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (a-e), tak by otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.

[...] However a serious family conflict is one of the most challenging thimgs people have to deal with.Sometimes there is a change i our lives, for instance, moving house or having a baby, and this can make things difficult.Conflicts can also happen when other family members misumderstand us.

So how can we survive family arguments? [...] This will help you to communicate in a positive way. Also, if you are angry, you won't be able to listen to each other. If you are cross with someone make sure you talk about the specific problem. [...]

remember to talk clearly, calmly and honestly.Respect the other person's point of view, [...] if you don't understamd what they mean, ask questions. It's the problem and not just win the argument.

a) don't start to talk about other things that you're angry about.
b) do this by listening to what they want to say without interrupting
c) when this happens, you should just agree to disagree
d) it's normal for families to have argumemts from time to time
e) first, try to stay calm and control any strong emotioms.

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