
Oraz napisz streszczenie 5 zdań jeden tekst 5 zdań drugi

Proszę potrzebuje do 14 daje naj i dużo punktów ​

Oraz Napisz Streszczenie 5 Zdań Jeden Tekst 5 Zdań Drugi Proszę Potrzebuje Do 14 Daje Naj I Dużo Punktów class=

Odpowiedź :

1. False.

2. False.

3. False.

4. True.

5. True.

6. False.

Streszczenie 1: In Los Angeles (LA) caring volunteers make sure kids are safe on their walk to, and from school. They are called "KidWatch" They wear bright yellow KidWatch T-Shirts. The volunteers are specially trained by the local police. The programme has brought the community together. It has made LA a safer, and friendlier place to live.

Streszczenie 2: A lot of children in Tanzania live and work on the streets. Some people decided that it's time to end this, so, they started a mobile school called - "Street Educator". Tanzanian kids have lessons twice a week. The programme teaches them about their opportunities, and may even change their lives forever.

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