Reading Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Zdecyduj, czy podane zdania (1-5) są prawdziwe (TAK), czy fał It's lunch time at the Ravenscourt Theatre School in London. In the corridor some students a boys and girls, 6 to 16 year olds, who want to work in film, theatre or music. The school is a to go there. The students have to work very hard. They study normal school subjects: English and IT. And they also study three performing arts subjects: drama, dance and singing. Some London theatres while they are at school. It's hard work but they enjoy it. 1 The Ravenscourt Theatre School is in Manchester. TAK NIE 2 Boys and girls can go to this school. TAK NIE 3 Students are aged between 4 and 16. TAK NIE 4 Students study three performing arts subjects. TAK NIE 5 Some students appear in films while they are at school. TAK/Nie