in pairs write the trivia questions. Then try to guess the answers
pomocy bo nie chce mi sie

1. When was the first Star Wars film made?
Odp. A
2. By who was the planet Mars discovered?
Odp. B
3. What are the free snacks in Granada called?
Odp. C
4. When was the Eiffel Tower in Paris completed?
Odp. B
5. In which city was the 2014 film Divergent set?
Odp. B
6. What is the Australian tourist site 'Uluru' called?
Odp. A
7. What is the famous bridge in Bristol named?
Odp. C
8. In which country is Machu Picchu located?
Odp. C
9. By how many people is the New York City subway used each weekday?
Odp. C