
Are the sentences active or passive?

1. Vivaldi composed more than forty operas.

2. Letters are delivered every day.

3. Have you been informed about the meeting?

4. My sister types very fast.

5. The sink will be repaired on Thursday.

6. Mary has already shown me her photos from India.

7. I have to finish by biology project tonight

8. Harry will be given a motorbike for his 18th birthday.

9. Tina took her dog for a walk last night.

10. My office is cleaned three
times a week.

11. The computer hasn't been used for a long time.

12. I often read a story to my little sister.

13. We have't paid the gas bill yet.

14. English is spoken in many countries.

15. My fiancée cooks delicious roast beef.​

Odpowiedź :

Wskaż w których zdaniach jest strona bierna a w których strona czynna.

Are the sentences active or passive?

1. Vivaldi composed more than forty operas. Active

2. Letters are delivered every day. Passive

3. Have you been informed about the meeting? Active

4. My sister types very fast. Active

5. The sink will be repaired on Thursday. Passive

6. Mary has already shown me her photos from India. Active

7. I have to finish my biology project tonight. Active

8. Harry will be given a motorbike for his 18th birthday. Passive

9. Tina took her dog for a walk last night.  Active

10. My office is cleaned three times a week. Passive

11. The computer hasn't been used for a long time. Active

12. I often read a story to my little sister. Active

13. We haven't paid the gas bill yet. Active

14. English is spoken in many countries. Passive

15. My fiancée cooks delicious roast beef.​ Active

Jak rozpoznać zdanie pasywne?

Aby utworzyć zdanie w stronie biernej musimy zamienić miejscami podmiot z dopełnieniem. W stronie biernej ważniejsze jest wydarzenie niż podmiot je wykonujący.

Somebody has stolen my phone! (zdanie wyjściowe) - My phone has been stolen! (zdanie po przekształceniu)