
Praca na ocenę: str. 62 cw 3 - wybrać tylko 1 miejsce i je opisać w czasie Past Simple

Praca Na Ocenę Str 62 Cw 3 Wybrać Tylko 1 Miejsce I Je Opisać W Czasie Past Simple class=

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Me and my family went to a beach named St Ives. First we went swimming. Then we went to a near by cafe and chill for a while. We were talking and having fun for about 1 hour. Next, my [name of family member fexpl: mom, dad, little brother] suggested we could go and dance on a beach, because they were organizing party there.


Ja z moją rodziną poszliśmy na plazę nazwaną St Ives. Na początku poszliśmy pływać. Potem poszlismy do near by to takie najbliższej kawiarni i odpoczeliśmy przez chwilę. Rozmawialiśmy i dobrze sie bawiliśmy około godziny. Następnie, mój/oja [nazwa osoby z rodziny taka jak mama, tata, młodszy brat] zaproponował/a, ze możemy pójść potańczyć na plaży, ponieważ organizowali tam imprezę.

Jeśli to za długie możesz napisać bez dodatkowych zdan:

Me and my family went to a beach named St Ives. First we went swimming. Then we went to a near by cafe and chill for a while. Next, my [name of family member fexpl: mom, dad, little brother] suggested we could go and dance on a beach, because they were organizing party there.


Me and my family went to a beach named St Ives. At first we went swimming, but then we saw, that there was a party organized buy the hotel that we were staing in, so we danced there for a bit. After that we were really tired, so we chilled in a near by cafe.

mam nadzieje, ze pomogłam c: