
3. Dokończ zdania używąjąc wyrażeń as... as... lub not as...as... . Znaczenie obydwu zdań w każdym punkcie powinno być takie same.
1. Camping and backpacking are both cheap.
Backpacking ....................................................................................................................
2. The restaurants in the city are more expensive than the cafes.
The cafes in the town .......................................................................................................
3. France is bigger than England.
England ............................................................................................................................
4. Learning Chinese and learning Japanese are both hard.
Learning Japanese ............................................................................................................
5. The taxi driver and the tour guide were both nice.
The tour guide ..................................................................................................................
4. Uzupełnij zdania wyższym lub najwyższym stopniem przysłówka:
1. Jack runs ________________( fast ) in our class.
2. I work_________________( well ) when I'm not tired.
3. I can't understand uyour handwriting.
Can you write __________________( carefully ) next time?
4. Jim travels ________________ ( far ) than anyone to school.
5. I don't football well, but you play __________ ( badly ) than me!