
Put the words in the correct order to make questions ​

Put The Words In The Correct Order To Make Questions class=

Odpowiedź :


1. Should I take a taxi to the station? - Czy powinienem wziąć taksówkę na dworzec?

2. Do you have to share a room? - Czy ty musisz dzielić (z kimś) pokój?

3. Should I make spaghetti for lunch? - Powinienem zrobić spaghetii na lunch/drugie śniadanie?

4. Do I have to pay for a map? - Czy ja muszę płacić za mapę?

5. Should I visit the art gallery? - Powinieniem pójść do galerii sztuki?

6. Do you have to get up early tomorrow? - Czy ty musisz wstawać jutro rano?

1. Should I take the taxi to a station?
2. Do you have to share a room?
3. Should I make spaghetti for lunch?
4. Do I have to pay for a map?
5. Should I visit the art gallery?
6. Do you have to get up early tomorrow?

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