
Imagine that yesterday you were in a part of your
town or country with a rubbish problem. Write a blog
post about it.
Na swoim blogu napisz:
gdzie byłeś/byłaś,
ile było tam śmieci,
jakie śmieci tam były,
czy byli tam jacyś ludzie.
Proszę na 70 słów i na poziome 6 klasy daje 40 punktów z góry dziękuje

Odpowiedź :

I wanted to tell you about helping with rubbish problem.
Yesterday me and my friends decided to take part in collecting rubbish in our town! Trust me it was really fun! We helped each other and we made new friends. Remember about helping earth!
Bye for now

Nie jest z tłumacza :))
Mam nadzieje, ze słownictwo jest ok
Pozdrawiam i licze na naj

Witaj :)


Hello, everyone!

I was in the center of our city recently, but I was shocked. There was garbage lying everywhere, unbelievable! I saw probably 40 bottles in there, lots of paper and even more different variety of plastic. There were people walking everywhere and everyone was throwing trash not in the trash bin, but on the pavement, I didn't know what was going on, it was never like this! I would really like our commune to do something about it, because even on the benches there is garbage lying around and it is impossible to sit down.

I'm looking forward to your comments!