
wspólnie z rodzicami spędziłeś tydzień wakacji pod namiotem w e-mailu do koleżanki z Anglii
-wyraź swoją opinię o miejscu w którym znajdowało się wasze pole namiotowe
-napisz co robiliście podczas wypoczynku
-opisz pogodę która była podczas waszego pobytu na polu namiotowym

Odpowiedź :

Witaj :)


Hi [imię]!

I recently went on a camping trip with my parents, it was great! The place where the field was located was beautiful! Our tent was very strong, so even in strong winds nothing bad happened. The surroundings were stunning in their beauty. I had a great time during the trip, I was kayaking, swimming in the river and we rented bikes to ride around the forest, I must say the forest was amazing, the surroundings had a wonderful atmosphere. Throughout the trip the weather suited us, it was warm all the time and never rained, the conditions were perfect for any activity! I wish you could see for yourself how lovely it was here.

I'm looking forward to your answer.