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Jesteś autorem/autorką bloga o nowinkach technologicznych. Dodaj nowy wpis dotyczący sprzętu, jaki ostatnio miałeś/miałaś okazję testować. W nawiasach podano podpowiedzi, które powinny podsunąć ci pomysły. Pamiętaj, że długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 50 do 120 słów.

Hi there!

I’ve got something fantastic for you today – a review of a new gadget that I have tested.

(What gadget? What does it look like?) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

(What do you like about it?) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

(What don’t you like about it?) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Would you like to try ________________________? Write comments.

Odpowiedź :

Hi there!

I’ve got something fantastic for you today – a review of a new gadget that I have tested.

 A new gadget that looks like a watch is really wonderful. He is our "personal assistant".   We can ask him about the simplest things, such as "what time is it?" or "what's the weather today?"  But we can also ask about more advanced, for example "what is the current heart rate?" or "How fast am I moving?" It's really helpfull. It also has a lot of other functions that you can see for yourself. It looks like an ordinary watch in many colors.  I like its originality and many features. I think in the future everyone will have it for their own convenience. My relatives like it too. A big plus is that it is not too expensive. It costs $ 30. In my opinion it is a good price for so many functions.  However, as everything has its drawbacks. In the cold, this watch may freeze and not function properly. It is tiring if you live in an area that is often cold. Its battery is not very durable but lasts half a day. I think you can accept its flaws and enjoy good equipment.

Would you like to try this watch? Write comments.

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