
Może mi ktoś na teraz sprawdzic czy ten "wpis na bloga" jest napisany poprawie gramatycznie? Z góry dzieki ;) Oto wpis:

Dear Mr. Right,
i have just come back from the language course you organized in Cambridge. I would lime to say that I really enjoyed it! I liked fact that the groups were small because the teacher could talk to us individually during the lessons. I also thing it was a great ide to have mixed nationalites in one group because I was forced to use english all the time. In my opinion there is only thing that could be improved - I would like to have more lessons outside the school building, more trips maybe? One more thing, could you please send the photos that were taken on the last day of the course? You have my email adress. I would like to keep them in my photo album. Thank you!
Best wish, Bartek

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Dear Mr. Right

I have just come back from the language course which you organized in Cambridge. I would like to say that I really enjoyed it! I liked the fact that the groups were small. Because of it the teacher could talk to us individually during the lessons. In my opinion it was a great idea to have mixed nationalities in particular groups. And that is why I was forced to use English all the time. I think that there are only two things that could have been improved - Having more lessons outside the school building and increasing the amount of trips as well. I have one proposition, could you please send me the photos that were taken on the last day of the course? You have my email adress, so I suppose there will not be any problems. I would like to keep them in my photo album. Thank you!

I would like to keep them in my photo album. Thank you! Best wishes,


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