
7 Narysuj w zeszycie wymyślone przez siebie
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My imaginary pet is Olive. She's an ostrich.
She's ... na teraz plis​

7 Narysuj W Zeszycie Wymyślone Przez Siebiezwierzę Opisz Je W 3040 SłowachMy Imaginary Pet Is Olive Shes An OstrichShes Na Teraz Plis class=

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My imaginary pet is Olive. She's an ostrich. She's white and grey, and shes really tall. She can run fast, and she loves sleeping! Her favourite snacks are lizards. She's 3 years old and she's really cute! Her favourite toy is a pink ball. She has two sisters, and a little brother.Olive has small blue hair on her head, and also heart shaped - wings. She has a long long neck, and her dream is to become a singer.


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