
Napisz maila do kolegi:
- Napisz jak często i z kim chodzisz na zakupy.
- przedstaw swoją opinię na temat robienia zakupów
- Opisz swój ulubiony sklep (jaki jest, co możesz tam kupić?)
proszę to bardzo bardzo ważne (napisać po angielsku)

Odpowiedź :


Hello John

I'm writing to you, because you have asked me a couple questions, about shopping. So I'm going to answer those for you. First off I go shopping quite often, most of the time with my mum to a supermarket. But I love going to a shopping centre, because I can buy myself many useful products like, clothes or food. My favourite shop and brand is called adidas. They have wonderful clothes, unfortunately they are expensive for me, so I can't buy too much. That's all for now, I hope I made a couple things clear for you!
