
Przeczytaj 3 poniższe teksty i dobierz poprawne odpowiedzi. Pamiętaj aby w odpowiedzi zapisać odpowiednie numery pytań np. 1 A lub 1 Henry PROSZE SZYBKO!

A Henry
Our swimming teacher at the sports centre asked if anyone wanted to go and help out at a big swimming tournament at the centre over the weekend. I’m going to help sell the tickets to the spectators. And I’m hoping I’ll end up having a swim, too! Luckily it’s inside as it’s expected to be freezing during the event – although I’ve swum in icy water before!

B Carla
I’m going to help with a volleyball match at the local primary school for 5–11 year olds – which I also attended, so that’s why I wanted to go. I’ve helped at lots of competitions like this, so it won’t be a new experience. It’ll be on Saturday afternoon, so I’ll miss my usual swim, sadly. I just hope it won’t rain! I’ll tidy up after the game, too.

C Leo
My sports teacher wants me to help her with a climbing competition in the hills near our town. I go climbing a lot, so she probably thought I was the right person! I prefer watching TV at home on Sundays, though, especially if it’s hot, as we think it will be that day. But I’ll take lots of photos for my friends to see! I hope my team wins!

Which volunteer …
1 got chosen because they know about the sport?
2 wants the chance to do some sport after the event?
3 has volunteered at something like this before?
4 wants to take shots of the event to show other people?
5 thinks it will be cold on the day?

Odpowiedź :


A2 B3 C4
