
Napisz mail do koleżanki w którym opiszesz swój pokój i zapytasz tam o jej wymarzonym pokoju i ją zaproś.
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Hello .....(imię do kogo piszesz)

To begin with, I would like to describe my room to you.

So yes, the walls in my room are colored .... My desk is by the window. To the left of the desk there is a huge wardrobe. To the right of the desk is my favorite bed of all things. It is white and gold with a huge canopy. There is a gray carpet in the middle. opposite the teardrop there is a chest of drawers with a TV set. With the greatest pleasure, I want to invite you to join me

Greetings... (twoje imię)

PS. I hope you will come


Mogą być błędy, ale mam nadzieję że pomogłam

napisałam tu opis pokoju

Hi Lena!
I have just finished re-decorating my bedroom and i’m really happy because it looks amazing. It has grey walls but one of them has glitter wallpaper. I have a white desk and a white desk chair, a brown chest of drawers and a tv above it. I have a comfortable bed with many pillows on it. I have a mirror in the shape of a star hung on my wall and some LED lights around the ceiling. I think my room is very cosy. I would love it if you could come to my house this weekend and spend some time hanging out with me in my room. I would also really like to know what your dream bedroom looks like. Please write me back soon and let me know if you want to come to mine this weekend.

Love lots ( twoje imię)