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Go Studier: Inne Pytanie
Complete The Text With Used To (where Possible), The Present Simple, The Present Perfect, The Past Simple Or The Past Continuous Of The Verbs In Brackets. I (a
4 W Parach Przygotujcie Pytania Do Wywiadu. Imagine You Are Going To Interview Your Favouriteauthor. What Questions Would You Ask Him/her?If I Could, I Would As
F Change These Sentences Into Reported Speech. Write Them In Your Notebook. Underline Thewords You Had To Change. 1 Jon: 'They Are Proud Of Their Team. Jon Said
Wos Wos Wos Wos Wos Najwazniejszei Informacje Tylko Wyszukaj Informacje Dotyczace Osob Pelniacych Wymienione Funkcje W 2022 Roku : Prezydent RPMarszalek SejmuMa
VOCABULARY In Your Notebook, Match The Phrasal Verbs below With Definitions 1–9. Is Each Phrasal Verb Separable or Inseparable? Seperable And Inseperable Phrasa
Which Of These Family Events Do You Prefer? What Do You Like/dislike About Them ? -a Meal -a Weeding -a Short Visit -a Family Holiday.
Napisz W Zeszycie Swój Życiorys 5 Najważniejszych Wydażeń Swojego Życia ( Można W Tym Skłamać) .
2 Odczytaj Pytania I Odpowiedzi I Połącz Je W Pary. In The Evenings. Yes, I Do. I Play The Violin. Why Is It Difficult To Writea Timetable?What Do You Do On Tue
Wstaw Odpowiednia Forme(modal Verbs) SHOULD , NEED , COULD , MIGHT I Slowo W Nawiasie 1 Simon (copy) Your Homework. That Was Really Bad Of Him. 2We (leave) So
7) Complete The Sentences In Your Notebook So That They Are True For You. Compare Your Answers In Pairs 1 My Mum Gets Angry If. I2 I Get Stressed When. 3 I Phon
Odpowiedzcie Na Pytania. 1. Do You Think You Waste Food? If Yes, What Can You Do To Change It? 2. Do You Do Any Of The Things Advised In The Text?.
Wos Wos Wos Wos Wos Najwazniejszei Informacje Tylko Wyszukaj Informacje Dotyczace Osob Pelniacych Wymienione Funkcje W 2022 Roku : Prezydent RPMarszalek SejmuMa