
pomoze mi ktos napisac email twój starszy brat dostał sie na uniwersytet i chcesz mu pogratulowa napisz w meilu -dlaczeego piszesz do brata -pogratuluj mu i zycz mu dalszych sukcesów -napisz kiedy mozesz go odwiedzic na uniwesytecie
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Dear Brother! I am writing to you because I just found out that you got into university, which you have been fighting for for years. I want to congratulate you very much, because I know that it has always been your innermost dream and that you will have a better future. I know how hard it was for you, maybe now because you will have to work hard to get good grades and achieve success. But I know that it may not be easy for you, but I know that you can do it. Since you managed to get into the university, you will surely manage to graduate and become its happy graduate. We are so happy and proud of you and we are so happy for you. Mom is delighted. However, this decision will separate us, because you will not be home as before, but you will have to stay at the university until the evening, away from your family. That's why we can't wait to see you live. Perhaps the best thing to do would be on vacation. Then no one will have anything to do. What do you think about it? Let me know! We love you. Your sister Annie.

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