
Jesteś na wakacjach napisz pocztówkę do koleżanki/kolegi w której; -opiszesz podróż do miejsca w którym się znajdujesz -opowiesz o tym co robiłaś do tej pory -podasz swoje plany na pozostałą część dnia

you want believe where i am

DAJE 100 PUNKTÓW !!!!!

Odpowiedź :

You won't believe where I am, I'm in Egypt. I was flying here by plane. Until then, I managed to go to the market and the swimming pool. I will spend the rest of my vacation at the beach. Greetings


Hi Evie,

Yesterday evening we flew to Paris. The journaly was peaceful until stewardessa poures water over me. It was so akward, I didn't know what to do.

Today we went to the amusement park. It was so much fun, my little brother was screeming on rollercosters.

We also want to go to the Eiffel towers today, apparently in the evening there are beautiful views.

I hope to see you soon.