
Napisz email do swojej rodziny jako angielski uczeń , który przyjechał do Polski. Opisz swoje mieszkanie oraz jedną ciekawą przygodę. Potrzeba na dziś​

Odpowiedź :


Greetings, birthgiver.

It is me, your grown up Fetus.

I have achieved comfort and happiness in my new living space.

I shall never come back.

Yesterday, I consumed souls of innocent children.

They are really nice, I'm already friends with them

I like Catherine the most.

Her flesh is very sweet, and her femurs crack so delightingly.

My house is scrumptious.

I am very satisfied with the gore in my room.

My housemates enjoy the decor as well and sometimes join in on the activities!

Sometimes we use bones of the consumed as dice and play games together.

How about you?

Stay well, your son