
How to learn for an English test?
Napisz poradę w 6 zdaniach używając:
- trybu rozkazującego,
- should,
- have to,
- pytania "Why don't you...?".

Odpowiedź :

You have to avoid distractions while learning for an English test. You should put your phone away in another room, make sure the TV is off and it's completely silent. I suggest before studying for an English test you first go outside and breathe in fresh air.  You also should make sure you have a good source of light before studying so you don't damage your eyes. You also can't be tired while studying as that may affect what your can and can't remember during the test. You should also not study everything in one day, you should break it up into multiple days of the week because it may be hard to learn everything in one single day.

(Nie mogłem wymyśleć jakiś przykład z why don't you ale chyba pomogłem :)