Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wpisz w firmie przeszłej. Pliss na teraz

didnt eat
havnt been
didnt drink
didnt burn
Did buy
Did break
didnt catch
Did bring
were dreaming
did draw
did do
Przeczenia w czasie przeszłym tworzymy dodając formę didn’t (did not) + podstawowa forma czasownika np.
Mum didn’t go to work yesterday.
Mama nie poszła wczoraj do pracy.
Susan didn’t do her homework.
Susan nie zrobiła swojej pracy domowej.
1. Susan didn’t eat her lunch
2. ..... we weren’t excited
3. Tom didn’t drink
4. Sue cut her finger
5. Margaret didn’t burn
6. It cost
7. John came home
8. Did they buy
9. Did the children break
10. She didn’t catch
11. Did you bring
12. We were dreaming
13. What did you draw
14. Tom chose
15. Why did you do it?