
Może ktoś pomóc z angielskim?
Past Simple
Zadanie w załączniku
( odpowiedzi które wpisałam mogą być błędne) ​

Może Ktoś Pomóc Z Angielskim Past Simple Zadanie W Załączniku Odpowiedzi Które Wpisałam Mogą Być Błędne class=

Odpowiedź :

1. Mary was born in 1978.

2. Jim's mother-in-law died last month.

3. Mary played with her doll.

4. Sheila cried during the party, didn't she?

5. David didn't study for the History test.

6. Did the children arrive at school late?

7. Tim wrote Sally a beautiful poem.

8. The school choir sang beautiful songs.

9. Did those boys go to the party?

10. My friends and I planned it very well.