
1 Match the words with their definitions.
1 canoe __ 2 hot-air balloon __ 3 check-in desk __ 4 gate __ 5 boarding pass__
A a card that a passenger has to show before they get on a plane or a ship
B a large piece of material that is full of hot air, with a basket attached for people to fly in
C a place where you go to hand over your luggage and have your ticket checked at an airport
D a long, narrow boat that you push through the water using a paddle
E the place at an airport where the passengers get on a plane

2 Translate the fragments in brackets into English. Use a maximum of five words in each gap.
1 Due to severe weather conditions, the man in the _____________________________ (motorówce) called for help.
2 I’d prefer to _____________________________ (zapytać o drogę) than get lost in a city I’ve never visited before.
3 Could you help me ________________________________ (wysiąść z) the train? This bag is really heavy.
4 Because of the roadworks on the motorway, I won’t _____________________________ (dojadę do domu) before
7:00 pm.
5 Let’s check the bus _____________________________ (rozkład jazdy) before we buy the tickets to Oxford

Odpowiedź :


1. D

2. B

3. C

4. E

5. A


1 Due to severe weather conditions, the man in the motorboat (motorówce) called for help.

2 I’d prefer to ask for directions (zapytać o drogę) than get lost in a city I’ve never visited before.

3 Could you help me get out of (wysiąść z) the train? This bag is really heavy.

4 Because of the roadworks on the motorway, I won’t be home (dojadę do domu) before  7:00 pm.

5 Let’s check the bus timetable (rozkład jazdy) before we buy the tickets to Oxford